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Action Equicoaching

Action Equicoaching

Welcome to our home

Come and discover a unique team-building activity: equicoaching.
Equicoaching is an innovative and powerful approach that combines coaching with the power of horses.
It enables you to develop your employees' personal and professional skills while strengthening team cohesion. It offers tangible benefits in terms of leadership, communication, stress management, self-confidence and team-building.
An equicoaching session takes place in several stages. First, the coach explains what the session involves and gives you safety instructions.
Then, together, you set the objective for the session. The session takes place on foot, so you don't need to know anything about horses or how to ride. On the contrary, the less you know, the more you'll be yourself, and the more the horse will be a real learning ally.
You'll start with a free-roaming horse on foot in an enclosed space, covered in winter, in the middle of nowhere.
Interaction takes place according to the previously defined objective. Various individual or group games and challenges are proposed in a playful spirit and at your own pace. After the role-play, a debriefing is carried out with suggestions for improvement.
Sessions are led by one or more qualified equicoaches assisted by horses selected to guarantee your safety.

Rates and services

Services Pricing
Adult price 120,00 €
Group price (per person) 290,00 €
  • Credit card payment
  • Postal checks
  • Cash
  • Bank transfer

Descriptif affaires

  • Descriptif affaires : Venez découvrir une activité de team-building unique en son genre : l'équicoaching. Cette activité est une approche novatrice et puissante qui marie le coaching aux pouvoirs des chevaux révélateurs. Elle permet de développer les compétences personnelles et professionnelles de vos collaborateurs tout en renforçant la cohésion d'équipe. Elle offre des avantages tangibles en matière de leadership, de communication, de gestion du stress, de confiance en soi et de renforcement de l'esprit d'équipe.

Animals accepted

  • Yes

Opening periods

  • Monday 09:00 - 18:00
    Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
    Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
    Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
    Friday 09:00 - 18:00
    Saturday 09:00 - 18:00
    Sunday 09:00 - 18:00
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