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Broc’n Music

Broc'n Music

Fêtes et manifestations

21 September 2024

The Rotary Club Beauvais NewBees, in collaboration with the City of Beauvais, is organizing Beauvais's first musical flea market, on Saturday September 21, from 9am to 6pm, on Place Jeanne-Hachette.

The Broc?n Music brings together a variety of private and professional exhibitors, selling musical instruments, sound and lighting equipment, records, sheet music and books on music.

Some exhibitors will also be offering services such as instrument repair and restoration, music and dance lessons, and live performances. Concerts will be held throughout the day on the brocante site, featuring the percussion group Bande de Beauvais and the bands Hype, Gyros, Pec'Ciochor and Omnibus 60.

Live entertainment will also be broadcast on Radio Mercure?

Saturday, September 21st
From 9am to 6pm
Place Jeanne-Hachette? Beauvais
Food and refreshments on site or 07 52 02 51 09

Dates of the event

  • 21 September 2024 — 09:00 - 18:00

Broc'n Music

Place Jeanne Hachette


  • Free
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